CDA Experts on FHIR

At Lantana, we are all pretty comfortable working with CDA. I think we are also pretty open to understanding its limitations. The current CDA, Release 2, was developed ten years ago. It was designed to meet a range of requirements from simple, transformed-from-dictation documents to fully coded, semantically interoperable reports. A key design consideration, a requirement for passing ballot within HL7 at that time, was full compatibility with Version 3 messaging and an explicit tie-in to the Reference Information Model (RIM).

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What’s new in Trifolia 2.14

Trifolia version 2.14 is now available. Several updates have been made to the user interface, template editor, template viewer and browsing functions to improve user experience.

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Lantana Annual Retreat: Full Speed Forward

Lantana’s company retreat started out with a review of the company vision statement, pared down to the following: “We want to see health information available across the spectrum of care, supporting safe, effective, affordable healthcare that improves well-being, public health, quality of care, and research.”

From there, we spent a day and a half reviewing our goals, strategy, and tactics to realize this vision. We found, to our satisfaction, that our long-time company motto[i], “have fun, make money, improve the industry” works just fine to articulate our goals.

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Rest Secure

A security update for the long-standing CDA style sheet is available from Lantana Consulting Group here. This update addresses a potential vulnerability exposed by use of the style sheet in…

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Conformance Drift in Consolidated CDA R2; Part Two of Three

The HL7 Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) Release 2 ballot received an unprecedented 1,000+ comments. A number of those comments include proposals to tighten various constraints within the document. Here are some arguments towards constraint tightening.

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Conformance Drift in Consolidated CDA R2; Part One of Three

The HL7 Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) Release 2 ballot received an unprecedented 1,000+ comments. A number of those comments include proposals to tighten various constraints within the document. Although tightened constraints sometimes are necessary, they may also represent bad spec design in the form of a “conformance drift,” a situation in which increasingly restrictive conformance verbs are applied to truly optional elements thus idealizing one implementation of the spec to the exclusion of others.

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Template Versioning for Consolidated CDA (C-CDA)

The HL7 Structured Documents Working Group (SDWG) is discussing approaches to template versioning in Consolidated CDA (C-CDA). I suggest here a strategy that is consistent with current policy on identifiers.

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Ready for Write-Enabled Trifolia Workbench?

Lantana will soon release an enhanced, write-enabled version of the Trifolia Workbench: HL7 Web Edition for HL7 Members. Trifolia Workbench is a web-based standards development tool that supports designers, developers and implementers in capturing and managing HL7 RIM-based templates, such as the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) and the Healthcare Quality Measure Format (HQMF/eMeasure).

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CDA Academy Hat Visits Machu Picchu

CDA Academy Alumnus, David Swiezy, Allscripts, took his CDA Academy hat along on several adventures—to Machu Picchu in Peru and to the Galapagos Islands.

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Join the Ballot Pool for C-CDA (by Monday)

As part of the ongoing effort to enable more consistent and accurate clinical data exchange, the HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: Consolidated CDA Templates for Clinical Notes (US Realm) Draft Standard for Trial Use Release 2 continues to build on the library of CDA R2 templates consolidated within the first release.

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Accelerating Health Information Exchange: Highlight from ONC/CMS Webinar

I recently dialed in for a webinar on Accelerating Health Information Exchange hosted by both the Office of the National Coordinator for HHS (ONC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). The government had received over 200 public comment submissions on policies that can strengthen the business case for exchanging information across providers seamlessly and securely. Here are some takeaways from the webinar.

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