Certification Frequency and Requirements

  Earlier this quarter, ONC and CMS requested information on program requirements for certification frequency for reporting quality measures. Lantana Consulting Group supports eMeasure development and has a sharp interest…

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Quality C-CDAs can lead to Quality Reporting

As standards developers and data analysts, we rely on finding patterns in our day to day work. We apply our patented “pattern recognition algorithm” (note: not a real patent) to identify the questions our clients ask most often. “How can we leverage our healthcare data to perform quality reporting?” Closely followed by, “and can we use C-CDA to import that data into our analytics environment?” Although we’d prefer a simple “yes”, the solution is rarely simple.

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Earlier this quarter, CMS came out with a rule that establishes a new methodology for MIPS eligible providers and encourages eligible professionals to participate in APMs. Lantana supports several stages…

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CDA in the Wild – Introduction

…beyond the bushes ahead you will see the Wild CDA in its natural habitat…
Lantana Consulting Group presents the first installment of CDA in the Wild by Rick Geimer, a blog series that identifies top errors found in CDAs (and how to fix them).

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We go greenLantana

greenLantana is the name of our collective effort to measure, evaluate, and improve the corporate, social, and environmental impacts of our Lantana way of doing business. As the name suggests, our initiative emphasizes environmental responsibility and includes support for “corporate social responsibility”[1] and the “triple bottom line”.[2]

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What Does LTPAC Want – for Interoperability?

The Long-Term and Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) Health IT (HIT) Collaborative held its 10th Annual Summit in Baltimore at the end of June. HIT leaders, policy makers, providers, and vendors, convened to discuss industry initiatives and priorities from the Collaborative’s latest Roadmap for Health IT in LTPAC. We participated in and attended several sessions on continuity of care and quality reporting.

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The Lifecycle of a Template – Part 1: Stability and Progress

A template’s inaugural design often doesn’t seem like a “version”. It is difficult for designers while working closely to solve a problem, to envision that someday, perhaps even in the not too distant future, the solution they are in the midst of creating will need to change. And so it is with templates.

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Wash, rinse, and repeat (Part 2)

My last blog post detailed some of the features of Trifolia that help make my life as an information analyst easier. In this post, I discuss the part of the…

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Trifolia, how do I love thee? Let Me Count the Ways (Part 1)

I’ve worked with various incarnations of HL7 Implementation Guides (IG) for roughly 8 years. My first exposure was in the UK with the NHS Connecting for Health’s Message Implementation Manual (MIM) for V3 messages. I wasn’t involved in building this specification, but I did use it for coding. Later, I was responsible for creating the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) IGs for Australia’s national eHealth program. Back then, these were manually created Word documents that evolved into partially automated DocBook created PDF documents.

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What’s New in Trifolia 2.17

The most recent Trifolia update addresses requesting permissions, permissions notifications, default setting for exporting to MS Word and MS Word value set settings. Read our latest blog post for details of the full development log.

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What’s New in Trifolia 2.16?

Released on Thursday, Oct 23, 2014 Retired Template Status Trifolia now supports a “Retired” template status, representing a template that should no longer be used. The Retired status is only…

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Free Text Sig

Discord is afoot. It has been for some time now. The cause is a little understood data element known as “Free Text Sig”.

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