New Public CDA Stylesheet

Lantana is happy to announce the release of a new public CDA Stylesheet, an open-source renderer for CDA documents. The stylesheet transforms the XML of a CDA document into a webpage that can be viewed in a browser or other XSLT-compatible application.

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Trifolia Open Source Update

Lantana is happy to announce the release of Trifolia 4.1, the second release as open source code. With the initial release, we announced plans to improve installation, documentation, to pre-load data, and to simplify authentication. We have made progress on all of these.

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CDA in the Wild: Timing is Everything (Installment #7)

Will time be cruel to CDA? Some think so, we think it is still alive and kicking. The hard part of CDA has always been its HL7 V3 heritage, and it is HL7 V3, not CDA that needs to join the dinosaurs, buried in shale and crushed into carbon.

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Trifolia 4.0.0 Release Notes

This is the second major open source release of Trifolia. The update simplifies the installation process for users who wish to install Trifolia on their own systems, and improves support for the latest release of FHIR. It also includes bug fixes for users in China who were unable to log in due to the use of Google Captcha. Finally, it allows users to import data from other Trifolia installations, making it easier to share data between instances of Trifolia.

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When You Have to Travel for Work, Invest in Carbon Offsets

Lantana is a distributed company that does not manufacture products. We do not have corporate offices to retrofit for energy efficiency, so what can our business do to reduce its impact on the planet? One important option is to address our greenhouse gas emissions from business travel.

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Working at Lantana: Onboarding

There’s always an anxious excitement associated with joining a new company and meeting new team members. A new chair that requires some breaking in, an empty work-space that will eventually become a reflection of your work style. Things are a little different at Lantana. So what can you expect when your workplace already feels like home?

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What Eligible Clinicians Need to Know About Proposed Changes to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA)

The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 changed the way Medicare rewards clinicians for providing quality care. CMS released a proposed rule in April 2016 to carry out key provisions of MACRA and implement two payment paths available to “eligible clinicians” (EC) as part of the proposed “Quality Payment Program”: (1) the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System and (2) the Alternative Payment Model Incentive. The proposed “Quality Payment Program” replaces the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula for paying eligible clinicians based on value and quality of care, which aligns with CMS’s goal to replace Fee-for-Service (FFS) volume-based payment with a value-based system.

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Does Risk-Adjustment for Sociodemographic Status (SDS) Have an Impact on Hospital Performance?

Ongoing research examines the impact of applying sociodemographic status (SDS) risk-adjustment to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) quality reporting programs. The main driver for investigation is a community assertion that SDS risk-adjustment is necessary to accurately gauge the quality of care given to patients of diverse backgrounds. Contrary to popular belief, recent research produced evidence that SDS risk-adjustment has little to no impact on hospital performance ratings.

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greenLantana: The Case Against Commuting

  One of the many benefits of a distributed environment is flexibility. At Lantana Consulting Group, employees establish productive work environments wherever Wi-Fi can reach. Rather than joining millions of…

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Comments on Standards for Claims Attachments

Co-author: Kanwarpreet Sethi   Lantana Consulting Group commented on the testimony provided on February 16, 2016, to the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) Subcommittee on Standards, Hearing…

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2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory

Lantana Consulting Group submitted comments on March 18, 2016 in response to the Office of the National Coordinator’s (ONC) request for feedback on the 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory (2016 Advisory).…

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Trifolia Release 3: New Functionalities

Co-author: Robin Williams, RN   Trifolia ( is a web-based tool for standards development work. Trifolia produces HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) templates and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) profiles.…

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